They Say...
They say: Blacks should get over it! The past is the past! LET IT GO! How does it help to remember something that happened so long ago? They say: Stop complaining! Don't you know it’s the new Millennium! The racist are all dead and scattered. Stop complaining about how cops use their guns! They say: Why do you listen to race-baiting? It seems black history just makes you hate! If you follow the example of Malcolm X, then you can also expect his fate! They say: Live by Dr King’s dream. We should all just repeat "I have a Dream!" We will teach it to children as an anthem while we will ignore what the other parts of the speech fully mean. They say: 500 black children were murdered. They were gang members with a ghetto mind. OMG! 10 white children have just been killed! "This is the biggest tragedy of our time!" They say: This black President is pure evil! No wonder Jesse wanted to cut off his balls! We need a "traditional" kind of President that can be the true leader of us all! We listen to all that they say. We suck it up and swim in their hate. We ignore our little hints of conscious and willfully accept the pronouncements they make. Real hate knows no race. Bigotry is a fixation of an impressionable mind. It is born of stupid fantasy, and if nurtured; it will grow stronger over time. Media pundits and liars, race baiters and media ghouls, They all sell a disingenuous product; to all the willing and uninformed fools! We need to stop buying into their system. We need to ignore the words that they say. Then we can all act with compassion and brotherhood knowing love is truly the only way. So grow impervious to the division. Don't let their lies and bias lead you astray. Listen to the internal love that guides you. Then you won't ever care about what they say! © 2013 Eddie Phillips