BE FREAKING HONEST! How many looked at Treyvon Martin's case as race baiting? How many blew off the deaths and carnage of over 600 young people in Chicago as gang related crime? How many looked at the Jordan Davis case and said it was stupid? How many of you know who Jordan Davis is without Googling it? How many said it was stupid for Obama to push gun control? How many said it was taking away your right to bear arms? How many only see black crime as Gang crime? How many cried over the loss of life at Newton? How many cry every night for the children killed in Chicago? If we are not honest about HATE we will perpetuate it everywhere. Hate knows no master and no color. I have watched for over 4 years as children in Chicago have been killed. Few actually cared to actively discuss GUN CONTROL until innocent "white" children were killed at Newton! I don?t care if you are offended by that statement! Your facts will not hold up. I speak only about Chicago but the thousands of Black children killed all over this country in the last 5 years is staggering. If you cannot be honest about it don't comment about it. It is true and it breaks my heart because I am not a racist person or biased by race. I see it as a tragedy that we lie to each other about these things. How can we see ourselves as equal in a country that SHOWS us daily we are second best and our children are less important? Blood spilled is blood spilled. God cherishes every soul. As I watched America cry over the children (justifiably) from Newton I saw hypocrisy because there were no tears for the children or families affected by violence and murder in Chicago. It burns me! Until you have walked in a man?s shoes you don't know how they fit. My point is: Get better and be honest with yourself if only too yourself!