Secreted in the darkness of unmarked graves. Black bodies lay silent in millions of hidden caves. The heavens open and offer down alimentary tears. Purifying the graves of those slaughtered under racist fears. They were victims massacred under the cover of night. Their hopes and throats slashed under "Burning Cross" light. Their mangled bodies were then thrown into unmarked graves. Some of them were free men, and others were runaway slaves. Abandoned, they have no family to cry alongside their grave. There are no flowers or stones that mark where they now lay. They were sent into eternity under terror, torture, and screams. Ruthlessly murdered by racists butchering the American dream! Today White Americans scream: "Racism is dead!" "Blacks use it as a guilt trip to keep themselves fed!" Millions ignore the truth and scathe us with lies! They ignore racial attacks, which cause our children to die! Ignorance kills our children and markets our pain. It mitigates our victims and promotes the criminally insane. Time is lost fighting principalities and racially divisive lies. While every night we watch more of our innocent children die. We hear it: Quietly whispering from the thick Alabama woods... From the Mississippi Delta where slave houses once stood. We can feel the shiver of spirits seeking release. They are begging for closure and crying for some peace. Their memories haunt us from their unmarked graves. They cry out for justice, for the lives that they gave. Their cries rekindle the hope we need to win this ongoing fight. They give us their courage to do what is right. They say: My children, you are not hateful or bitter with pride. You don't need to beg white America to stand by your side. Your are our blood. The children of millions of martyred kin! We who bled on our knees so you could one day stand as men! So, when whites state boldly, "It is not all that bad!" Remind them of your ancestors that lost all that they had. When they scream, "You're playing the race card again!" Remind them of the children we've lost to racist white sin! Tell them it is a matter of history, and not about racial guilt. We all know America was developed off the slave blood it spilt! Remember you are the blood and heart of the slave. You are the progeny of hope that racist tried to bury in graves. Let that which was buried now grow strong and tall again. Let our ancestral blood give courage to strong black women and men. © 2013 Eddie Phillips